The Kind Diet

If you really love 90’s romantic comedies, you’re already familiar with the creator of the Kind Diet. It’s Alicia Silverstone’s diet plan. She became a huge advocate for the vegan diet in her adult life, and this diet is her contribution to the world of healthy living.


What the Kind Diet Does

51d2ciajt-l-_sx409_bo1204203200_Essentially, the Kind Diet turns you into a vegan. It doesn’t expect you to throw yourself right into it – in fact, it suggests you don’t. The diet includes what it calls a “flirting” phase. You’ll get to know vegan and see if the two of you have potential for a second date. The goal is to develop a long term relationship where the two of you settle down together.

In case you weren’t already aware, meat and dairy contain a great deal of protein, but with that also comes a great deal of fat. Guess what fat does to your body? If you’re unhappy with your midsection, you probably already know. People who eat balanced vegan diets are always naturally thin, simply because their plant based diets don’t provide them with the kind of calories that stick to their ribs.


The Pros and Cons of the Kind Diet

The pros are great for the whole world, and you probably could tell what the biggest con would be right from the start.


  • If you’re concerned with the environment, this diet will drastically reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating meat and dairy. It aims to be highly sustainable and is designed not only to be good for your body, but also to be good for the planet.
  • The Kind Diet already knows you’re going to need a lot of substitutes. It’s a major change in eating, and it’s really hard if you don’t know where to start. Thankfully, Kind doesn’t leave that up to your imagination. The plan already has answers to everything you’d ask.


  • No more meat, no more eggs, and no more dairy. Kiss the bacon cheeseburger goodbye for the last time.


Should You Try the Kind Diet?

If you’re interested in going vegan as well as losing weight, Kind is the best solution currently available to you.