Author: Jenni Melnyk

Tech support hero by day; aspiring kitchen guru by night. A recovering boxed food addict, when she doesn't have her nose in Pinterest looking for the next great recipe to share, you'll find Jenni obsessively posting a ridiculous amount of photos online of a certain ball of canine fluff. Best known for epic karaoke hot tub parties and always serving too much food, Jenni loves making great, easy recipes and sharing them with family and friends.

Ready. Set. SPRING!

That’s right, friends! Time to get back at it! Now, for those of you reading this after last year’s great ‘time to get back at...

Garlic Butter Lobster Tails

Instructions directly from – she did amazing! no need to modify at all!!...

Balsamic Strawberries & Goat Cheese Crostini

Recipe from

It’s a New Year

Happy 2018! Yes, yes… I know I’m a little behind the 8 ball on this one, considering it’s almost the middle of February… better late...